

Installing rubackup is quite simple: all you have to do is to copy the ruby files from the official tar archive to a specific location on your disk. You can also use a packaged version of it such as an RPM package for CentOS. rubackup is a stateless application hence it does not require any database to store the state of its backups. Instead it checks directly which backup files can be found on the disk or other types of storage.


This is a ruby based application, hence it requires ruby. It requires ruby-1.9 or any newer version. This program also provides optional AWS features and hence the aws-sdk rubygem must be present on your system if you plan to use the AWS features. This ruby gem is not required if you do not use the AWS features of rubackup. This gem can be installed using the gem command: gem install aws-sdk

rubackup requires programs to be installed on the system if they are needed to perform the backup. For example it requires programs such as mysqldump to perform MySQL logical dumps, fsarchiver to make fsarchiver backups, tar to perform a tarball and GnuPG to perform encryption. Also the compression programs such as gzip and xz must be installed depending on the compression formats that will be produced.


You can install rubackup files anywhere you want. Here is an example of the files you will get if you install it in /opt/rubackup:



You can make it run at 1am every night by creating a file such as /etc/cron.d/rubackup with the line below in it. This will produce two log files: the first one will redirect the standard output/error streams to /var/log/rubackup/rubackup.log with a medium level of details for general use. It will also create a more detailed log file corresponding to a verbosity level 4 for debugging and this will go into the following file: /var/log/rubackup/rubackup.dbg. Don’t forget to create /var/log/rubackup using mkdir first.

0 1 * * * root /opt/rubackup/rubackup.rb --logfile /var/log/rubackup/rubackup.dbg --loglevel 4 --outlevel 3 >> /var/log/rubackup/rubackup.log 2>&1

Also you can get these two files rotated on a daily basis using logrotate by creating /etc/logrotate.d/rubackup with the following contents:

  rotate 30

This will produce daily log files like this:
